Rider Levels
Experience - I am new to Mountain Biking
Fitness - I am new to fitness - a few rides / month
Learning Style - I like to take it easy and progress naturally
Speed - I am chill on the speed, happy with a mellow pace
Goals - I want to have a fun day exploring the Green and easy blue trails. I am not interested in leaving the ground but would like to learn things like body position, smooth braking, graceful turning, and pumping rollers to maintain balance.
Experience - I am new to biking but notice that I am progressing quickly. Or I have biked a lot in the past and am getting back into it.
Fitness - I am new to bike fitness but have a background doing other sports. 1-2 rides a week.
Learning Style- I like to be challenged
Speed - I am interested in learning skills to go faster. I enjoy speed in other sports.
Goals - I want to have a fun day exploring Green and Blue trails. I am interested in leaving the ground at some point. I would like to learn body position, smooth braking, faster turning, and pumping or jumping rollers to maintain momentum.
Experience - I have been biking for a while. 2+ years
Fitness - Progressing in fitness, prefer down hill to up. A few rides / month
Learning Style - I take it easy and progress naturally
Speed - I am chill on the speed, happy with a mellow pace
Goals - I want to have a fun day exploring the challenges on Blue trails. I am interested in leaving the ground at some point but it is not a priority. I would like to learn body position, smooth braking, faster turning, and pumping or jumping rollers to maintain momentum. I would like to learn about steeper/ rougher terrain and smaller drops or steps.
Experience - I have been biking for a while. 2+ years
Fitness - progressing in fitness 2-5 rides / week
Learning Style -I like to be challenged
Speed - I am interested in learning skills to go faster. I enjoy speed.
Goals - I want to have a fun day exploring the challenges on Blue trails and slightly beyond. I am interested in leaving the ground. I would like to learn body position, smooth braking, faster turning, pumping or jumping rollers to maintain momentum. I want to learn about steeper/ rougher terrain and optional drops.
Experience -I have been biking for a while. 2+ years
Fitness - I am New to Fitness but am starting to ride more regularly 1-3 rides / week
Learning Style - I take it easy and progress naturally
Speed - I am chill on the speed, happy with a mellow pace
Goals -I want to have a fun day exploring the challenges on Blue trails and easy Blacks I am interested in leaving the ground but not a priority. I would like to learn body position, smooth braking, faster turning, pumping or jumping rollers to maintain momentum. I want to learn about steeper/ rougher terrain with steps and optional but not rollable drops.
Experience - I have been biking for a while. 2+ years
Fitness - progressing in fitness 2 or more rides / week
Learning Style - I like to be challenged
Speed - I am interested in learning skills to go faster. I enjoy speed.
Goals - I want to have a fun day exploring the challenges on Black trails and beyond. I am interested in leaving the ground. I would like to learn body position, smooth braking, faster and more stylish turning, pumping or jumping rollers to increase speed and style. I want to learn about steeper/ rougher terrain with steps and mandatory drops.
I am interested in riding gap jumps or clearing doubles.